Page 25 – ‘Notes of a trip’ by Robert Jameson

simply marvellous what these American built wagonettes will stand; not, a bolt had started on the journey. Ours was one of Hooker & Co.’s, of New Haven, Connecticut and must have been of genuinely honest workmanship and material to stand so rough a journey. Our American cousins deserve every recommendation from South African travellers.

                     We had during our stay in Barberton been most hospitably entertained by our old Durban friends, Mrs and Mr W.R. Brown, which added immensely to the pleasure of our visit, and we bade them adieu with the warmest appreciation of their courtesy and kindness. The return journey was made without incident worth recording, and we arrived back fit and well, after a most enjoyable holiday, wonderfully impressed with all we had seen and heard of our local Golconda.

As we passed the coal mines of Dundee, and especially the “Eland’s Laagte” mine near Ladysmith, close by the road, we regretted very much that time would not permit our visiting them, as they have a very special interest for us, hardly inferior to the Gold Field, the illimitable wealth of this district in coal. being of immense importance to us in the near future. We – found the coal being used everywhere, .and on our railway with the best results confirmed by the reports from the steamers plying between here and Cape Town; and with the addition to our present line of railway of some 10 miles we shall be able to put it down at our port in abundance and at a price much below imported fuel. We have every reason, therefore, to be hopeful that our little colony will in the -near future be blessed, with substantial and permanent prosperity, the great factors, coal, gold and iron, being at our doors already.

By ODEAN – Part I

  Riches, and wealth, and pomp,  
    And the yellow glamour of gold –
  The passing joy, and fleeting power  
    That is measured, and bought, and sold.
  This is the phantom chased  
    By the clamorous, thoughtless soul,
  Who seeketh the means of happiness,  
    On this side of the mortal goal.
  Gold is a doorstep, a key,  
    A lightning-wing’d spectral shade –
  A glittering crown on an aching head  
    Predestined to wither and fade
  The means of happiness lie  
    In honour, and truth, and right,
  And not in the glittering, yellow dross,  
    That is cursed and buried from sight.
  When gold was all un known,  
    Then men were men, arid life  
  Was filled with pure nobility,  
    And not with malice and strife.